What is Feature Engineering?

Feature engineering refers to manipulation — addition, deletion, combination, mutation — of your data set to improve machine learning model training, leading to better performance and greater accuracy. 

Features are nothing but independent variables in machine learning models.

What is the Feature?

  • A model for predicting the risk of cardiac disease may have features such as the following:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Whether the person smokes
  • Whether the person is suffering from diabetic disease, etc.

Feature Engineering in ML Lifecycle

Some common types of feature engineering include:

  • Scaling and normalization mean adjusting the range and center of data to ease learning and improve the interpretation of the results.

  • Filling missing values implies filling in null values based on expert knowledge, heuristics, or by some machine learning techniques. Real-world datasets can be missing values due to the difficulty of collecting complete datasets and because of errors in the data collection process.
  • Feature selection means removing features because they are unimportant, redundant, or outright counterproductive to learning. Sometimes you simply have too many features and need fewer.
  • Feature coding involves choosing a set of symbolic values to represent different categories. Concepts can be captured with a single column that comprises multiple values, or they can be captured with multiple columns, each of which represents a single value and has a true or false in each field. For example, feature coding can indicate whether a particular row of data was collected on a holiday. This is a form of feature construction.
  • Feature construction creates a new feature(s) from one or more other features. For example, using the date you can add a feature that indicates the day of the week. With this added insight, the algorithm could discover that certain outcomes are more likely on a Monday or a weekend.
  • Feature extraction means moving from low-level features that are unsuitable for learning — practically speaking, you get poor testing results — to higher-level features that are useful for learning. Often feature extraction is valuable when you have specific data formats — like images or text — that has to be converted to a tabular row-column, example-feature format.



Shah Imtiyaj

Try to know thyself

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